ASTM E1548-03
Historical Standard: ASTM E1548-03 Standard Practice for Preparation of Aerospace Contamination Control Plans
SUPERSEDED (see Active link, below)
ASTM E1548
1. Scope
1.1 This practice is intended to assist in the preparation of formal plans for contamination control, especially of aerospace critical surfaces. Requirements may be established at the systems level, either by the customer or the systems integrator, or at the subsystem level. Subsystem requirements may be imposed by the responsible subsystem supplier or they may be flowed down from the systems organization (4.7). The extent of detail and level of cleanliness required can vary with the particular application and type of hardware being built, but all aspects of contamination control must be included in a final plan. Therefore, each of the following elements must be considered for inclusion in a contamination control plan (CCP):
1.1.1 Cleanliness requirementsfor deliverable hardware addressing particulate, molecular, or biological contaminants or combination thereof. Specify contamination limits and any budget allocations.
1.1.2 Implementation plansto achieve, verify, and maintain the specified cleanliness requirements. Specify material and process controls, cleaning techniques, verification tests, protection and prevention plans, transportation controls, and corrective action for discrepancies.
1.1.3 Environmental controlsincluding clean facilities to be used, facility maintenance, and monitoring schedule.
1.1.4 Personnel and operational controlsincluding operating procedures, restrictions, training, motivation, and organizational responsibilities including the organization or individual for implementation and verification of the CCP.
2. Referenced Documents (purchase separately) The documents listed below are referenced within the subject standard but are not provided as part of the standard.
ASTM Standards
E595 Test Method for Total Mass Loss and Collected Volatile Condensable Materials from Outgassing in a Vacuum Environment
E1216 Practice for Sampling for Particulate Contamination by Tape Lift
E1235 Test Method for Gravimetric Determination of Nonvolatile Residue (NVR) in Environmentally Controlled Areas for Spacecraft
E1549 Specification for ESD Controlled Garments Required in Cleanrooms and Controlled Environments for Spacecraft for Non-Hazardous and Hazardous Operations
E1559 Test Method for Contamination Outgassing Characteristics of Spacecraft Materials
E2042 Practice for Cleaning and Maintaining Controlled Areas and Clean Rooms
E2217 Practice for Design and Construction of Aerospace Cleanrooms and Contamination Controlled Areas
F50 Practice for Continuous Sizing and Counting of Airborne Particles in Dust-Controlled Areas and Clean Rooms Using Instruments Capable of Detecting Single Sub-Micrometre and Larger Particles
F303 Practices for Sampling for Particles in Aerospace Fluids and Components
F312 Test Methods for Microscopical Sizing and Counting Particles from Aerospace Fluids on Membrane Filters
IEST Standards
IEST-STD-CC1246D Product Cleanliness Levels and Contamination Control Program Available from Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (IEST), Arlington Place One, 2340 S. Arlington Heights Rd., Suite 100, Arlington Heights, IL 60005-4516, Standards
USAF Tech Order 00-2 Contamination Control of Aerospace Facilities, U.S. Air ForceInternational Standards
ISO 15388 Space Systems--Contamination and Cleanliness ControlKeywords
aerospace contamination control; contamination control; contamination documentation; contamination plans; environmental controls; implementation plans; operational controls; Aerospace applications; Aerospace contamination control; BRDF (bidirectional reflectance distribution function); Cleanliness; Contamination--aerospace materials/applications; Contamination--environmental; Environmental control/fate--aerospace applications;
ICS Code
ICS Number Code 49.020 (Aircraft and space vehicles in general)
DOI: 10.1520/E1548-03
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