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  • AWC
    ANSI/AWC 2021 Permanent Wood Foundation Design Specification (PWF)
    Edition: 2021
    / user per year

Content Description

ANSI / AWC PWF-2021 - Permanent Wood Foundation Design Specification. A Permanent Wood Foundation (PWF) system is intended for light frame construction including residential buildings. This document primarily addresses the structural design requirements. The Permanent Wood Foundation is a load-bearing wood-frame wall and floor system designed for both above and below-grade use as a foundation for light frame construction. The PWF specifications are based on information developed cooperatively by the wood products industry and the U.S. Forest Service, with the advice and guidance of the Department of Housing and Urban Development\'s Federal Housing Administration and utilizing research findings of the National Association of Home Builders Research Center. The 2021 PWF Standard has been adopted for reference in the 2021 International Residential Code and International Building Code.

About AWC

On behalf of the industry it represents, AWC is committed to ensuring a resilient, safe, and sustainable built environment. To achieve these objectives, AWC contributes to the development of sound public policies, codes, and regulations which allow for the appropriate and responsible manufacture and use of wood products. We support the utilization of wood products by developing and disseminating consensus standards, comprehensive technical guidelines, and tools for wood design and construction, as well as providing education regarding their application.


AWC is both one of the youngest and one of the oldest major trade groups in the nation. AWC was re-chartered in June 2010, evolving from a number of predecessor groups. Immediately prior to the founding of the new AWC, the forest products industry was represented by the American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA). AF&PA grew out of two organizations - the National Forest Products Association (NFPA) and the American Paper Institute (API) - each, independent institutions with some common membership. NFPA and API each represented the forest and building products industries, and pulp, paper, and paperboard manufacturers, respectively.