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    ANSI/BICSI 002-2019, Data Center Design and Implementation Best Practices
    Edition: 2019
    / user per year

Content Description

On the edge, in the cloud, ANSI/BICSI 002-2019 does them all. ANSI/BICSI 002-2019, BICSI\'s international best-seller, covers all major systems found within a data center. Written by industry professionals from all major disciplines, this standard not only lists what a data center requires, but also provides ample recommendations on the best methods of implementing a design to fulfill your specific needs. While the traditional data center continues to be the focus, the breadth of content can also be applied to modular, containerized, edge and hyperscale data centers. Additions and revisions for the 2019 version includes heat rejection and cooling systems, provisioning of Lithium-ion batteries, colocation planning, support for Open Compute Project® concepts and infrastructure, and the expansion of the commissioning process. Revision work also included refining or moving data center operations content into BICSI 009-2019. Highlights As the foundation standard for data center design, BICSI 002 features 17 chapters and 9 appendices, spread over 550 pages, covering the following and more: Design methodology Facilities, cabling, network, services, and applications Data center service outsourcing Site selection and space planning Modular and "container " data centers Site services and hazards Traditional and open concepts Structural and architectural Electrical systems Utility to ITE power systems Standby and backup power systems DC power Mechanical systems Security and fire Architectural, electronic and physical security Fire safety for chimneys and aisle enclosures Facility and building systems DCIM IP-enabled/intelligent systems Telecommunications infrastructure Cabling media and connectivity Hot and cold aisles Cabinet airflow and cabling capacity Network infrastructure Data center commissioning & maintenance Energy efficiency Multi-site data center architecture Colocation Planning


 BICSI is a professional association supporting the advancement of the information and communications technology (ICT) profession and currently serves more than 26,000 members and credential holders. BICSI is the preeminent resource for the Connected World. Headquartered in Tampa, Florida, USA, BICSI membership spans nearly 100 countries.