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  • BSI
    19/30375290 DC BS ISO 13824. Bases for design of structures. General principles on risk assessment of systems involving structures
    Edition: 2019
    / user per year

Description of 19/30375290 DC 2019

This International Standard specifies general principles of risk assessment for systems involving structures. The focus is on strategic and operational decision-making related to design, assessment, maintenance and decommissioning of structures. This also includes formulation and calibration of related codes and standards. Systems involving structures can expose stakeholders at various levels in society to significant risks. The aim of this International Standard is to facilitate and enhance decision-making with regard to monitoring, reducing and managing risks, and preparing for emergency in an efficient, cost-effective and transparent manner. Within the broader context of risk management, risk assessment provides decision-makers with procedures to determine whether or not and in what manner it is appropriate to treat risks.

This International Standard provides a general framework as well as a procedure for identifying hazards and estimating, evaluating and treating risks of structures and systems involving structures. This International Standard also provides a basis for code writers as well as designers to set reasonable target-reliability levels, such as stated in ISO 2394, based on the result of risk considerations. For existing structures, assessment of the risks associated with the events that were not considered in the original design or with changes in use shall be implemented according to the principles stated in this International Standard. This International Standard can also be used for risk assessment of exceptional structures upon specific adaptation and detailing, the design of which is not usually within the scope of existing codes.

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.