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  • BSI
    20/30393547 DC BS EN 1873-1. Prefabricated accessories for roofing. Individual plastic rooflights - Part 1. Product specification and test methods
    Edition: 2020
    / user per year

Description of 20/30393547 DC 2020

This document specifies characteristics for individual plastic rooflights. These rooflights have translucent parts made of plastic materials (e.g. GF-UP, PC, PMMA, PVC) which serve the primary purpose of introducing daylight.

This document applies to individual plastic rooflights with upstands made of e.g. GF-UP, PVC, steel, aluminium or wood and to individual plastic rooflights without upstand, intended for use on upstands. These individual plastic rooflights are intended for installation in flat and slightly inclined roofs.

This document applies to individual plastic rooflights with a rectangular or circular ground plan (see Figures 1 and 2), with an opening span (width) or diameter not larger than 2,5 m and an opening length not larger than 3,0 m. This document does not cover rooflights which contribute to the load-bearing or stiffness of the roof itself.

This document applies to individual plastic rooflights without upstand, where a single manufacturer provides all components of the rooflight and individual plastic rooflights with upstand, where a single manufacturer provides all components of the rooflight with upstand, which are bought in a single purchase.

This document applies to rooflights with one or several translucent parts.

Individual plastic rooflights can be opened by means of opening devices in one or more parts for ventilation.

The possible additional functions of day to day ventilation, smoke and heat ventilation e.g. in case of fire in accordance with EN 12101‑2 and roof access, are outside the scope of this document.

This document does not apply to:

  • “Individual glass rooflights” acc. to prEN 1873‑2

  • “Continuous plastic rooflights” according to prEN 14963‑1 and “Continuous glass rooflights” according to prEN 14963-2

  • “Roof windows” according to EN 14351‑1


An indicative list of provisions for a proper application, use and maintenance of individual plastic rooflights is presented in Annex A.

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BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.