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  • BSI
    21/30421989 DC BS ISO 5015-2. Unmanned aircraft systems - Part 2. Operation of vertiports for unmanned aircraft (UA)
    Edition: 2021
    / user per year

Description of 21/30421989 DC 2021

This document specifies the requirements for vertiport operations (e.g. removal of contaminants; noise), and interface with UAS or VTOL operators and with UAS traffic management (UTM) service providers (SPs).

Vertiport operations relate to landing, ground movement, parking and subsequent take-off and departure of vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft, electrically powered or equipped with other propulsion systems.

Vertiport operations comprise also cargo and passenger ground handling and aircraft servicing (e.g. power supply), including energy replenishment (e.g. battery recharging or refueling).

The vertiports may be open to international or domestic public use or for private use.

The vertiports may be certified or licensed by the competent authority, based on applicable legislation.

Vertiports may be distinguished in class A (logistics vertiports) and B (vertiports for Urban Air Mobility (UAM) of passengers), both serving aircraft capable of vertical take-off and landing, including electrically powered, with a maximum take-off mass respectively up to 150 kg or 3175 kg (i.e. 7000 lbs.).

Larger vertiports in Class C are essentially heliports designed primarily to serve large rotorcraft equipped with internal combustion engines. This document applies only to additional specific provisions to serve electrically powered manned or unmanned VTOL at these larger vertiports.

These three classes are summarized in following table:

Vertiport Class A (micro) B (small) C (large)
Serving unmanned VTOL with features  
Maximum take-off mass (MTOM) 150 Kg

NOTE:   Serving UA of MTOM up to Level V in paragraph 6 of ISO 21895 .

3175 Kg (7000 lbs.)

NOTE:   3175 kg MTOM is the intended upper limit in ASTM WK59317 , in turn consistent with the threshold separating small rotorcraft from large rotorcraft, in FAR/CS 27/29

Max. passenger number 0 9 unlimited
Normal (Vno) or maximum operating Vmo) speed 80 kts calibrated airspeed (KCAS) 250 Kts Calibrated Airspeed (KCAS) during horizontal cruise unlimited
Pressurized cabin or compartment No No possibly
Related vertiport infrastructure and equipment standards ISO/AWI 5491 being developed by TC 20 SC 17

NOTE:   Vertiports in Class A may be portable or fixed.

ASTM WK59317 out of scope of ISO TC 20

Class A vertiports are intended for logistics applications including inside urban areas. Class B vertiports are intended to also serve passenger carrying VTOL, including traditional rotorcraft specified in EASA/FAA CS/FAR 27. Class C vertiports are intended to serve VTOLs of any mass, including large rotorcraft. Limitations for users may derive from environmental regulations (e.g. noise) or from decisions by the vertiport operator (e.g. provide or not refueling facilities).

This document applies to operations of vertiports belonging to any class, supporting:

  1. demonstration of compliance with applicable regulations of vertiport operations to aviation authorities or other public authorities, as a possible acceptable means of compliance (AMC), when applicable regulations require such involvement from the authority and when the authority considers this document acceptable;

  2. attestation of compliance of vertiport operations by qualified entities or other accredited, competent and independent third party, supporting the safety risk assessment of the UAS operations required by regulations, in particular when high level of assurance robustness is required; and

  3. attestation of compliance of vertiport operations by qualified entities or other accredited, competent and independent third parties even in the absence of any applicable regulation.

This document also covers safety of vertiport operator and quality of data provided by the vertiport operator to other entities (e.g. UAS operators, service providers of aeronautical information, providers of UTM services).

Aspects that are not covered by this document, since covered in other normative references, are:

  1. requirements for operational procedures of UAS;

  2. requirements for physical characteristics and equipment for vertiports;

  3. requirements for UTM service providers.

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.