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  • BSI
    22/30430523 DC BS EN 50549-10. Requirements for generating plants to be connected in parallel with distribution networks - Part 10. Tests for conformity assessment of generating units
    Edition: 2022
    / user per year

Description of 22/30430523 DC 2022

The purpose of this document is to provide technical guidance for tests on generating units and interface protection to evaluate their electrical characteristics. NOTE 1 Mechanical issues are taken into account as far as they influence the electrical characteristics. The evaluation results are intended to be used to demonstrate conformity of generating units to technical requirements for grid connection. In this context the evaluation results can also be used as part of a certification programme. NOTE 2 Besides the type test results of the generating unit all additional elements for connection to the grid (e.g. transformer, cabling, multiple units) are considered in the evaluation of the final installation of a generating plant. The requirements to be evaluated are covered in the following standardization documents: – EN 50549 1:2019: Requirements for generating plants to be connected in parallel with distribution networks - Part 1: connection to a LV distribution network - Generating plants up to and including Type B – EN 50549 2:2019: Requirements for generating plants to be connected in parallel with distribution networks - Part 2: Connection to a MV distribution network - Generating plants up to and including Type B If grid connection requirements are dealt with in other documents or for other generating module types, where no specific testing procedure is provided, testing methods of this document can be used if applicable. This document provides evaluation criteria for the conformity assessment of generating units with respect to the above mentioned standardization documents, based on type testing. However, some requirements are applicable on the generating plant level. The assessment of the conformity to these plant requirements are out of the scope of this document. Nevertheless, this document may be used to show the capabilities of a generating unit to be used in a plant. As a consequence, it is possible that the conformity assessment of a generating unit does not cover all aspects of the above-mentioned standardization documents, typically when a requirement is evaluated on a plant level. Therefore, the conformity assessment report indicates clearly which clauses of this document are covered and which clauses are not covered. This document recognizes the existence of specific technical test requirements within several member states that must be complied with.

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BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.