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  • BSI
    BS 6657:2002 Assessment of inadvertent initiation of bridge wire electro-explosive devices by radio-frequency radiation. Guide
    Edition: 2003
    / user per year

Description of BS 6657:2002 2003

This British Standard provides guidance on assessing the possibility of inadvertent extraction of energy from an electromagnetic field propagated from radio frequency (RF), radar or other transmitter antennas and the coupling of this energy to an electro-explosive device (EED) in a manner capable of causing initiation. The frequency range covered by this British Standard is 9 kHz to 60 GHz. This British Standard only applies to bridge-wire devices which are directly initiated by radio frequency current and does not apply to special detonators, for example, electronic detonators. It does not cover the similar hazard arising from electromagnetic fields generated by other means, for example electric storms, electricity generating plant or power transmission lines.

This British Standard does not apply to the following equipment:

  • air bag igniters for automotive applications (including the igniters before they are fitted);

  • special pyrotechnic devices;

  • pyromechanisms;

  • igniters for fireworks;

  • special military devices;

  • special safety equipment.

NOTE The methods of assessment from 9 GHz to 60 GHz are based on extrapolation of data for frequencies below 9 GHz.

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.