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  • BSI
    BS 8210:2020 Facilities maintenance management. Code of practice
    Edition: 2020
    / user per year

Description of BS 8210:2020 2020

This British Standard gives recommendations for the maintenance management of facilities by:

  1. outlining a business-focused or risk-based process approach to maintenance management at the strategic and tactical levels, with links to operational activities;

  2. assisting organizations and individuals to formulate strategies and policies for maintenance management;

  3. assisting those responsible for ensuring that facility assets continue to perform as intended, retaining their asset value at minimal cost;

  4. highlighting the necessity of regular and planned maintenance to safeguard the safety, health and well-being of users;

  5. explaining its importance as a value-adding activity; and

  6. highlighting relevant areas of importance with regard to occupational health and safety and information management.

NOTE It might be economically desirable to carry out maintenance at the same time as improvements, additions or alterations.

This British Standard applies to most types of building-related facilities, for example, those for health care, education, housing, manufacturing and distribution, commerce, retailing, utilities, communication and transportation.

The term “organization” is used throughout this document to refer to the entity with responsibility for facilities management, including facilities maintenance management. The term “user” has been adopted to refer collectively to occupants, service personnel and occasional visitors to a facility.

This British Standard does not give recommendations on:

  1. facilities management in general;

  2. the procurement of services for maintenance (see BS 8572);

  3. how to carry out different types of maintenance;

  4. any improvements, additions or alterations to a facility that would make it suitable for a purpose other than that for which it was designed (see BS 8536‑1);

  5. cleaning facilities (see BS 6270‑3); or

  6. maintenance of engineering infrastructure.

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.