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  • BSI
    BS EN 13020:2015 - TC Tracked Changes. Road surface treatment machines. Safety requirements
    Edition: 2020
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 13020:2015 - TC 2020

This European Standard applies to road surface treatment machines, which are in particular: - binder sprayers [or sprayers]; - chipping spreaders [or spreaders]; - machines for surface repairs (binder sprayer chipping spreader [or sprayer spreader]); - mastics asphalt mixers; - joint sealer; - micro-surfacing machines/slurry machines; - cold asphalt laying / micro-asphalt-paving machines (see also Clause 3). Road surface treatment machines can be mounted on a carrier vehicle, trailer or articulated truck, combining to form an integral unit. It is also possible to mount a road surface treatment machine on its own chassis construction and propulsion system (self-propelled or pedestrian-controlled). In all cases the machine and chassis form an integral unit. Directives and standards for the vehicular truck chassis aspects, termed 'carrier vehicle' in this document, would be those relative to that equipment, even where specific modifications have been made to realize the road surface treatment application. The use in public road traffic is governed by the national regulations. This European Standard deals with all significant hazards identified through a risk assessment relevant to road surface treatment machines when they are used as intended and under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer (see Clause 4). This European Standard does not deal with significant hazards associated with pressurized tanks, and EMC. This European Standard specifies the appropriate technical measures to eliminate or reduce risks arising from the significant hazards associated with machine operation, setting and adjustments, load discharge and routine maintenance. This European Standard does not include requirements for the carrier vehicles or special constructions. These are covered in directives related to the construction of vehicles. Demountable bodywork systems (e.g. demountable containers) are specified in other standards. Vibrations are not dealt with in the standard, because for all machines of this family vibration is not a relevant hazard due to the low working speed and special working conditions (e.g. flat surface). This European Standard does not deal with the risks associated with the operation of the machines in potentially explosive atmospheres. This European Standard does not include requirements of the 94/55/EC Directive related to transport of dangerous goods by road but contains additional specifications in link with these existing requirements. This European Standard applies to machines which are manufactured after the date of approval of this standard by CEN.

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BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.