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  • BSI
    BS EN 13959:2004 Anti-pollution check valves. DN 6 to DN 250 inclusive Family E, type A, B, C, and D
    Edition: 2008
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 13959:2004 2008

The purpose of this document is to specify:

  • field of application of anti-pollution check valves;

  • backflow prevention properties, dimensional and physio-chemical properties, and properties of general hydraulic, mechanical and acoustic design for anti-pollution check valves of nominal sizes DN 6 to DN 250 inclusive;

  • family E, type A, controllable anti-pollution check valve (with test port);

  • family E, type B, non-controllable anti-pollution check valve, including cartridge check valve;

  • family E, type C, controllable anti-pollution double check valve (with test ports);

  • family E, type D, non-controllable anti-pollution double check valve, including cartridge double check valve;

  • test procedures and requirements for verifying the backflow protection properties of smiddle valves, draw-off taps etc. which incorporate a check valve function. Smiddle valves, draw off taps etc, need also to comply with a recognised standard;

  • marking;

  • presentation at delivery.

This document specifies the characteristics of anti-pollution check valves of DN 6 up to and including DN 250 that are suitable for use in drinking water systems. For application feasibility see Table 1.

Table 1 — Nominal size vs Conditions of use

Nominal size (DN) Max. Operating temperature Max. Operating pressure Installation
DN ≤ 50 65 °C + 90 °C, 1 h 1 000 kPa (10 bar) Any position
DN > 50 65 °C 1 000 kPa (10 bar) Horizontal only

Anti-pollution check valves covered by this document are of pressure class PN 10. In case of devises with pressure class PN 16, the anti–pollution check valves has to comply with the tests which characterise the PN of the devise.

The field of application of EN 1717 is limited to 10 bar, flanges could be drilled in PN 16 pattern.

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.