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  • BSI
    BS EN 14351-2:2018 Windows and doors. Product standard, performance characteristics - Internal pedestrian doorsets
    Edition: 2018
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 14351-2:2018 2018

This European Standard identifies material independent performance characteristics, except resistance to fire and smoke control characteristics, which are applicable to internal pedestrian doorsets. Fire resisting and/or smoke control characteristics for pedestrian doorsets and openable windows are covered by EN 16034. This European Standard applies to doorsets intended to be used internally for construction works as: - intended use a) in escape routes; - intended use b) for specific uses with specific requirements; - intended use c) for communication only. NOTE 1 These above intended uses can be combined, for example escape routes with specific requirements. For internal pedestrian doorsets with resistance to fire and /or smoke control characteristics, this standard should only apply in conjunction with EN 16034. Products covered by this European Standard are power operated hinged or manually operated internal pedestrian doorsets and screens with flush or panelled leaves, single or double leaf, which could be completed with: - related building hardware; - door closing devices; - integral fanlights; - adjacent parts that are contained within a single frame for inclusion in a single aperture. NOTE 2 Manually operated doors with door closing devices are not considered to be power operated doors. Products covered by this European Standard are not assessed for structural applications. This European Standard does not apply to: - industrial, commercial and garage doors and gates according to EN 13241; - external pedestrian doorsets according to EN 14351-1; - door leaves placed on the market as a single unit; - door frames placed on the market as a single unit; - power operated pedestrian doorsets, other than swing type, according to EN 16361. Doorsets can be placed on the market with their component (leaf and frame) separate when each of these components are clearly identified. This European Standard does not deal with any specific requirements on noise emitted from internal power operated hinged doorsets as their noise emission is not considered to be a relevant hazard.

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BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.