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  • BSI
    BS EN 14460:2018 Explosion resistant equipment
    Edition: 2018
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Description of BS EN 14460:2018 2018

This European Standard specifies requirements for explosion resistant equipment which will be able to withstand an internal explosion without rupturing and will not give rise to dangerous effects to the surroundings. It is applicable to equipment (vessels and systems) where explosions are considered to be an exceptional load case. There are two types of explosion resistant equipment: explosion pressure resistant and explosion pressure shock-resistant equipment (see Figure 1). (...) Explosion pressure resistant equipment is designed to withstand the explosion pressure without permanent deformation and will not give rise to dangerous effects to the surroundings. Since the design and calculation methods for explosion pressure resistant equipment are similar to those described in EN 13445-1 to -6 "Unfired pressure vessels" they are not repeated in this standard. For explosion pressure shock resistant equipment permanent deformation is allowed provided the equipment will not give rise to dangerous effects to the surroundings. This design has been developed especially for explosion protection purposes. This standard focusses on the requirements for explosion pressure shock resistant equipment. This standard is valid for atmospheres having absolute pressures ranging from 800 mbar to 1 100 mbar and temperatures ranging from ?20 °C to +60 °C. This standard may also be helpful for the design, construction, testing and marking of equipment intended for use in atmospheres outside the validity range stated above, as far as this subject is not covered by specific standards. This standard applies to equipment and combinations of equipment where deflagrations may occur and is not applicable to equipment and combination of equipment where detonations may occur. In this case, different design criteria for the required explosion resistance are applicable which are not covered by this standard. It is not applicable to equipment which is designed according to type of protection, flameproof enclosures "d" (EN 13463-3 or EN 60079-1). This standard does not apply to offshore situations. This standard is only applicable for equipment where metallic materials provide the explosion resistance. This standard does not cover fire risk associated with the explosions, neither with the materials processed nor with the materials used for construction.

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BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.