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  • BSI
    BS EN 1998-2:2005+A2:2011 Eurocode 8. Design of structures for earthquake resistance - Bridges
    Edition: 2012
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 1998-2:2005+A2:2011 2012

1.1.1 Scope of EN 1998-2

  1. The scope of Eurocode 8 is defined in EN 1998-1:2004, 1.1.1 and the scope of this Standard is defined in 1.1.1. Additional parts of Eurocode 8 are indicated in EN 1998-1:2004, 1.1.3.

  2. Within the framework of the scope set forth in EN 1998-1:2004, this part of the Standard contains the particular Performance Requirements, Compliance Criteria and Application Rules applicable to the design of earthquake resistant bridges.

  3. This Part primarily covers the seismic design of bridges in which the horizontal seismic actions are mainly resisted through bending of the piers or at the abutments; i.e. of bridges composed of vertical or nearly vertical pier systems supporting the traffic deck superstructure. It is also applicable to the seismic design of cable-stayed and arched bridges, although its provisions should not be considered as fully covering these cases.

  4. Suspension bridges, timber and masonry bridges, moveable bridges and floating bridges are not included in the scope of this Part.

  5. This Part contains only those provisions that, in addition to other relevant Eurocodes or relevant Parts of EN 1998, should be observed for the design of bridges in seismic regions. In cases of low seismicity, simplified design criteria may be established (see 2.3.7(1)).

  6. The following topics are dealt with in the text of this Part:

    • Basic requirements and Compliance Criteria,

    • Seismic Action,

    • Analysis,

    • Strength Verification,

    • Detailing.

    This Part also includes a special section on seismic isolation with provisions covering the application of this method of seismic protection to bridges.

  7. Annex G contains rules for the calculation of capacity design effects.

  8. Annex J contains rules regarding the variation of design properties of seismic isolator units and how such variation may be taken into account in design.

NOTE 1 Informative Annex A provides information for the probabilities of the reference seismic event and recommendations for the selection of the design seismic action during the construction phase.

NOTE 2 Informative Annex B provides information on the relationship between the displacement ductility and the curvature ductility of plastic hinges in concrete piers.

NOTE 3 Informative Annex C provides information for the estimation of the effective stiffness of reinforced concrete ductile members.

NOTE 4 Informative Annex D provides information for modelling and analysis for the spatial variability of earthquake ground motion.

NOTE 5 Informative Annex E gives information on probable material properties and plastic hinge deformation capacities for non-linear analyses.

NOTE 6 Informative Annex F gives information and guidance for the added mass of entrained water in immersed piers.

NOTE 7 Informative Annex H provides guidance and information for static non-linear analysis (pushover).

NOTE 8 Informative Annex JJ provides information on λ-factors for common isolator types.

NOTE 9 Informative Annex K contains tests requirements for validation of design properties of seismic isolator units.

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.