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  • BSI
    BS EN 301:2023 - TC Tracked Changes. Adhesives, phenolic and aminoplastic, for load-bearing timber structures. Classification and performance requirements
    Edition: 2023
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 301:2023 - TC 2023

This document establishes a classification for phenolic and aminoplastic polycondensation adhesives according to their suitability for use for load-bearing timber products in defined climatic exposure conditions, and specifies performance requirements for such adhesives for the factory manufacture or factory-like manufacturing conditions of load-bearing timber products only. This document only specifies the performance of an adhesive for use in an environment corresponding to the defined conditions. The performance requirements of this document are applicable to the adhesive only, not to the manufacturing timber products. This document does not cover the performance of adhesives for on-site gluing (except for factory-like conditions) or the production of wood-based panels, except solid wood panels, or modified and stabilized wood with considerably reduced swelling and shrinkage properties, e.g. acetylated wood, heat treated wood and polymer impregnated wood. This document is primarily intended for use by adhesive manufacturers and for use in timber products bonded with adhesives, to assess or control the quality of adhesives. The requirements are applicable to the type testing of the adhesives. Production control activities are outside the scope of this document. Adhesives meeting the requirements of this document are adequate for use in load-bearing timber products, provided that the bonding process has been carried out according to an appropriate product standard.

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.