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  • BSI
    BS EN 4708-106:2018 Aerospace series. Sleeving, heat-shrinkable, for binding, insulation and identification - Limited fire hazard sleeving. Operating temperatures. 30 °C to 105 °C. Product standard
    Edition: 2018
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 4708-106:2018 2018

This document specifies the required characteristics for four types of heat-shrinkable limited fire hazard sleevings for use in aircraft electrical systems at operating temperatures between - 30 °C and 105 °C. This sleeving is flexible, flame retarded and emits minimum smoke, gases and corrosive by-products when exposed to fire. It is available with various wall thicknesses and also in a higher shrink ratio according to the application and degree of mechanical protection required. It is suitable for use (e.g. as cable protection) in areas where smoke, gases or corrosive by-products would constitute a particular hazard. Type A Thick wall shrink ratio 2:1 and is normally supplied with internal diameters up to 102,0 mm Type B Medium wall, shrink ratio 2:1 and is normally supplied with internal diameters up to 60,0 mm Type C Thick wall, shrink ratio 2:1 and is normally supplied with internal diameters up to 51,0 mm Type D Medium wall, shrink ratio 3:1 and normally supplied with internal diameters up to 40,0 mm The standard colour is black. Sizes or colours other than those specifically listed in this standard may be available. These items shall be considered to comply with this standard if they comply with the property requirements listed in Tables 5, 6 and 7 except for dimensions and mass.

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.