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  • BSI
    BS EN 61360-1:2002, IEC 61360-1:2002 Standard data element types with associated classification scheme for electric components - Definitions. Principles and methods
    Edition: 2004
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 61360-1:2002 2004

Provides a firm basis for the clear and unambiguous definition of characteristic properties (data element types) of all elements of electrotechnical systems from basic components to subassemblies and full systems. Although originally conceived in the context of providing a basis for the exchange of information on electric/electronic components, the principles and methods of this standard may be used in areas outside the original conception such as assemblies of components and electrotechnical systems and subsystems. In addition, the standard provides for establishing a classification hierarchy and the allocation of applicable and relevant properties to each of the classes so established in order to describe fully the characteristics of objects belonging to that class. Provision is also made for definition of the terms used in classification. Use of this standard facilitates the exchange of data describing electrotechnical systems through a defined structure for the information to be exchanged in a computer-sensible form. Each property to be exchanged will have an unambiguously defined meaning and consistent naming, where relevant a defined value list, a prescribed format and defined units of measure for all quantitative values. There is also provision for control of changes to definitions of the properties through version and revision numbers; inclusion of notes and remarks to clarify and help in the application of the definitions; indication of the sources of definitions and value lists; associated figures and formulae. Closely associated with this part of IEC 61360 is IEC 61360-2. This part contains the information model, using the EXPRESS modelling language. In this model, the definition and structure of IEC 61360-1 is formalized and presented in a computer-sensible form. Use of this information model allows dictionary information to be exchanged between different systems using the STEP Physical File Format as defined in ISO 10303-21.

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.