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  • BSI
    BS EN 61828:2002, IEC 61828:2001 Ultrasonics. Focusing transducers. Definitions and measurement methods for the transmitted fields
    Edition: 2002
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 61828:2002 2002

This International Standard - provides definitions for the transmitted field characteristics of focusing transducers for applications in medical ultrasound; - relates these definitions to theoretical descriptions, design, and measurement of the transmitted fields of focusing transducers; - gives measurement methods for obtaining defined characteristics of focusing transducers; - specifies beam axis alignment methods appropriate for focusing transducers. This International Standard relates to focusing ultrasonic transducers operating in the frequency range appropriate to medical ultrasound (0,5 MHz to 40 MHz) for both therapeutic and diagnostic applications. It shows how the characteristics of the transmitted field of transducers may be described from the point of view of design, as well as measured by someone with no prior knowledge of the construction details of a particular device. The radiated ultrasound field for a specified excitation is measured by a hydrophone in either a standard test medium (for example, water) or in a given medium. The standard applies only to media where the field behaviour is essentially like that in a fluid (i.e. where the influence of shear waves and elastic anisotropy is small), including soft tissues and tissue-mimicking gels. Any aspects of the field that affect their theoretical description or are important in design are also included. These definitions would have use in scientific communications, system design and description of the performance and safety of systems using these devices.

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.