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  • BSI
    BS EN IEC 61169-60:2021 Radio-frequency connectors - Sectional specification for RF coaxial connectors with push on mating. Characteristic impedance 50 Ohm (type SMPM)
    Edition: 2021
    / user per year

Description of BS EN IEC 61169-60:2021 2021

This part of IEC 61169, which is a sectional specification (SS), provides information and rules for the preparation of detail specifications (DS) for RF coaxial connectors with push-on coupling, typically for use in 50 Ω RF cables or micro-strips in microwave, telecommunication, wireless systems and other fields (SMPM).

It specifies mating face dimensions for general purpose connectors – grade 2, dimensional details of standard test connectors-grade 0, gauging information and tests selected from IEC 61169-1, applicable to all detail specifications relating to series SMPM RF connectors.

This specification indicates recommended performance characteristics to be considered when writing a detail specification and it covers test schedules and inspection requirements for assessment levels M and H.

The SMPM push-on coupling structure series RF coaxial connectors with the characteristic of normative impedance 50 Ω are used with various kinds of RF cables or micro-strips in microwave, telecommunication, wireless systems. The operating frequency limit is up to 65 GHz.

NOTE Imperial dimensions are original dimensions. All undimensioned pictorial configurations are for reference purpose only.

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.