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  • BSI
    BS EN IEC 61918:2018 Industrial communication networks. Installation of communication networks in industrial premises
    Edition: 2019
    / user per year

Description of BS EN IEC 61918:2018 2019

This document specifies basic requirements for the installation of media for communication networks within and between the automation islands, of industrial sites. This document covers balanced and optical fibre cabling. It also covers the cabling infrastructure for wireless media, but not the wireless media itself. Additional media are covered in IEC 61784-5 (all parts).

This document is a companion standard to the communication networks of the industrial automation islands and especially to the communication networks specified in IEC 61158 (all parts) and IEC 61784 (all parts).

In addition, this document covers the connection between the generic telecommunications cabling specified in ISO/IEC 11801-3 and the specific communication cabling of an automation island, where an automation outlet (AO) replaces the telecommunication outlet (TO) of ISO/IEC 11801-3.

NOTE If the interface used at the AO does not conform to that specified for the TO of ISO/IEC 11801-3, the cabling no longer conforms to ISO/IEC 11801-3 although certain features, including performance, of generic cabling may be retained.

This document provides guidelines that cope with the critical aspects of the industrial automation area (safety, security and environmental aspects such as mechanical, liquid, particulate, climatic, chemicals and electromagnetic interference).

This document does not recognise implementations of power distribution with or through Ethernet balanced cabling systems.

This document deals with the roles of planner, installer, verifier, and acceptance test personnel, administration and maintenance personnel and specifies the relevant responsibilities and/or gives guidance.

The following editions for this book are also available...

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BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.