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  • BSI
    BS EN ISO 16380:2018 Road vehicles. Blended fuels refuelling connector
    Edition: 2018
    / user per year

Description of BS EN ISO 16380:2018 2018

ISO 16380:2014 applies to compressed blended fuels vehicle nozzles and receptacles hereinafter referred to as devices, constructed entirely of new, unused parts and materials. Compressed blended fuels fuelling connection nozzles consist of the following components, as applicable: a) Receptacle and protective cap (mounted on vehicle); b) Nozzle (mounted on dispenser side). ISO 16380:2014 applies to devices which have a service pressure of 20 MPa, 25 MPa, and 35 MPa hereinafter referred to as: a) size 1: M200, M250, and M350; b) size 2: N200 and N250. ISO 16380:2014 refers to service pressures of 20 MPa, 25 MPa, and 35 MPa for size 1 and 20 MPa and 25 MPa for size 2. ISO 16380:2014 applies to devices with standardised mating components. ISO 16380:2014 applies to connectors which a) prevent blended fuels vehicles from being fuelled by dispenser stations with working pressures higher than the vehicle fuel system working pressure, b) allow blended fuels vehicles to be fuelled by dispenser stations with working pressures equal to or lower than the vehicle fuel system working pressure, c) allow blended fuels vehicles to be fuelled by dispenser stations for compressed natural gas, d) allow blended fuels vehicles to be fuelled by compressed natural gas dispenser stations with working pressures equal to or lower than the vehicle fuel system working pressure, e) prevent blended fuels vehicles size 1 being refuelled on blended fuels dispenser stations equipped with a size 2 nozzle and vice versa, f) prevent natural gas vehicles from being fuelled by blended fuels station, and dispensers, and g) prevent pure hydrogen vehicles from being fuelled by blended fuels station dispensers. ISO 16380:2014 is applicable to mixtures of hydrogen from 2 % to 30 % in volume and compressed natural gas containing: a) natural gas in accordance with ISO 15403?1 and ISO 15403?2; b) pure hydrogen in accordance with ISO 14687?1 or ISO/TS 14687?2.

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BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.