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  • BSI
    BS ISO/IEC 14478-3:1998 Information technology. Computer graphics and image processing. Presentation environment for multimedia objects (PREMO) - Multimedia systems services
    Edition: 1999
    / user per year

Description of BS ISO/IEC 14478-3:1998 1999

This part of ISO/IEC 14478 defines a standard set of multimedia system services that can be used by multimedia application developers in a variety of computing environments. The focus is on enabling multimedia applications in a heterogeneous, distributed computing environment. Throughout this part of ISO/IEC 14478, this component will also be referred to as “Multimedia Systems Services”, and abbreviated as MSS.

The Multimedia Systems Services constitutes a framework of “middleware” — system software components lying in the region between the generic operating system and specific applications. As middleware, the Multimedia Systems Services marshals lower-level system resources to the task of supporting multimedia processing, providing a set of common services which can be used by multimedia application developers.

The Multimedia Systems Services encompasses the following characteristics:

  1. provision of an abstract type for a media processing node, extensible through subtyping to support abstractions of real media processing hardware or software;

  2. provision of an abstract type for the data flow path or the connection between media processing nodes, encapsulating low-level connection and transport semantics;

  3. grouping of multiple processing nodes and connections into a single unit for purposes of resource reservation and stream control;

  4. provision of a media dataflow abstraction, with support for a variety of position, time and/or synchronization capabilities;

  5. separation of the media format abstractions from the dataflow abstraction;

  6. synchronous exceptions and asynchronous events;

  7. application visible characterization of object capabilities;

  8. registration of objects in a distributed environment by location and capabilities;

  9. retrieval of objects in a distributed environment by location and constraints;

  10. definition of a Media Stream Protocol to support media independent transport and synchronization.

The Multimedia Systems Services rely on the object model of ISO/IEC 14478-1 (Fundamentals of PREMO) and the object types and non-object data types defined in ISO/IEC 14478-2 (PREMO Foundation Component).

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.