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  • BSI
    DD CLC/TS 60034-18-42:2011 Rotating electrical machines - Qualification and acceptance tests for partial discharge resistant electrical insulation systems (Type II) used in rotating electrical machines fed from voltage converters
    Edition: 2011
    / user per year

Description of DD CLC/TS 60034-18-42:2011 2011

This Technical Specification defines criteria for assessing the insulation system of stator/rotor windings of single or polyphase AC machines which are subjected to repetitive impulse voltages, such as pulse width modulation (PWM) converters, and expected to withstand partial discharge activity during service. It specifies electrical qualification and acceptance tests on representative samples which verify fitness for operation with voltage-source converters.

This document does not apply to:

  • Rotating machines which are fed by converters only for starting.

  • Electrical equipment and systems for traction.

NOTE Although this Technical Specification deals with voltage-source converters, it is recognised that there are other types of converters that can create repetitive impulse voltages. For these converters, a similar approach to testing can be used if needed.

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.