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  • BSI
    PAS 67:2013 Laboratory tests to determine the heating and electrical performance of heat-led micro-cogeneration packages primarily intended for heating dwellings
    Edition: 2013
    / user per year

Description of PAS 67:2013 2013

This PAS specifies a set of test conditions for determining the heating and electrical performance of heat-led micro-cogeneration packages that are primarily intended for use in dwellings. The PAS is applicable for:

  • testing micro-cogeneration packages that provide space and water heating with a thermal output up to 70 kW (252 MJ/h); or
  • testing micro-cogeneration units (MCGs) designed to produce electricity and simultaneously heat a domestic hot water storage tank (DHWPK).

The full output test might also be suitable for packages up to 400 kW (1 440 MJ/h).

This PAS also specifies a reporting format (Results Tables) for the test results.

This PAS does not cover how to evaluate the annual energy performance of a MCG, but it is intended that the data obtained through testing to PAS 67 can be used for these purposes.

NOTE 1 A suitable method that can be used to evaluate the annual energy performance of a MCG is given in Method to evaluate the annual energy performance of micro-cogeneration heating systems in dwellings [1]. This method treats the DHW load as additional space heating load. This enables the estimation of the annual energy performance and derivation of the single index of performance for product comparison.

NOTE 2 An estimate of annual energy performance is necessary for the SAP (The UK Government's Standard Assessment Procedure for Energy Rating of Dwellings) [4] and other energy rating schemes. The document Method to evaluate the annual energy performance of micro-cogeneration heating systems in dwellings [1] specifies such a method. An extension of the annual energy performance method is used to derive a single index of performance for product comparison, similar in principle to Seasonal Efficiency of Domestic Boilers in the UK (SEDBUK) [5] already used for boilers.

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BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.