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  • BSI
    PD CEN/TR 13097:2010 Characterization of sludges. Good practice for sludge utilisation in agriculture
    Edition: 2010
    / user per year

Description of PD CEN/TR 13097:2010 2010

This Technical Report describes good practice for the use of sludges in agriculture (where national regulations permit). It is applicable to all of the sludges described in the scope of CEN/TC 308 (and any of the forms in which they may be presented - liquid, dewatered, dried, composted, etc.) i.e. sludges from: - storm water handling; - night soil; - urban wastewater collecting systems; - urban wastewater treatment plants; - treating industrial wastewater similar to urban wastewater (as defined in Directive 91/271/EC [1]); - water supply treatment plants; - but excluding hazardous sludges from industry. Such sludges may be used on land as a source of plant nutrients, and/or soil improver, and/or alkaline amendment for crop production. Despite differences in the statutory controls between sewage sludge and other sludges, the use of all types of sludge should follow good practice to maximise benefits for the crops or soils, to minimise potential risks of environmental contamination and adverse impacts on plant, animal and human health, and to ensure sustainability, energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Sludge producers should be aware that if a sludge is used as a fertilising or alkaline amendment, national or EU fertiliser or liming regulations may apply. The document assumes that an evaluation of sludge utilisation has already been made, and a decision was taken that use of sludge within a land spreading policy is the best option. For evaluation and decisions for use of sludges, other documents have been developed (see CR 13714, CR 13846). Many countries and/or local administrations have regulations and/or standards and/or codes of practice applicable to the use of some of the types of sludge that are within the scope of this Technical Report, however it cannot, and does not, attempt to summarise or take account of these regulations, etc. because of their very wide range. It is thus essential that this Technical Report is read in the context of the

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