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  • BSI
    PD CEN/TR 18114:2024 Bitumens and bituminous binders. Sustainability. Review on how to address environmental information
    Edition: 2024
    / user per year

Description of PD CEN/TR 18114:2024 2024

This document provides an overview of: - current requirements in the European Union and in individual European states to address sustainability in the field of construction works where bitumens and bituminous binders are used; - the requirements of the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) on environmental sustainability and analyses the implications for bitumens and bituminous binders; - existing horizontal standard EN 15804:2012+A2:2019 related to core rules for the product category of construction products and assesses if it can be used without any additional documents for bitumen and bituminous binders; - status of draft standards developed for specific complementary product category rules by CEN/TC 154, CEN/TC 227, CEN/TC 254 and any other relevant TCs, and assesses if these drafts could require any additional documents specific for bitumens and bituminous binders; - other relevant documents. This document is intended to provide support to CEN/TC 336 for assessing the need for any further standardization documents covering specific product category rules for bitumens and bituminous binders or for other standardization documents in the field of environmental sustainability of bituminous binders. This document covers bitumens and bituminous binders as described in EN 12597, including cut-back and fluxed bituminous binder, and bitumen emulsion, as used in construction works.

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BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.