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  • BSI
    PD IEC TS 62257-7-4:2019 Recommendations for renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural electrification - Generators. Integration of solar with other forms of power generation within hybrid power systems
    Edition: 2019
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Description of PD IEC TS 62257-7-4:2019 2019

This part of IEC 62257, which is a technical specification, specifies the design and implementation of hybrid off-grid solar systems, where solar energy provides energy to a load in conjunction with other sources of energy. Such systems may or may not include an energy storage system. There are a variety of different system architectures and applications, and many ways in which these energy sources can be combined. This document distinguis hes between different sorts of hybrid system applications and gives guidance on the design and integration of these systems.

It applies to single-phase and three-phase applications, and it covers s ituations where grid is available as an additional source of power for charging batteries and maintaining system reliability, but this document does not cover situations in which energy is fed back into a utility grid, although such systems may incidentally possess this function.

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