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  • BSI
    PD IEC TS 63050:2019 Radiation protection instrumentation. Dosemeters for pulsed fields of ionizing radiation
    Edition: 2019
    / user per year

Description of PD IEC TS 63050:2019 2019

This document applies to all types of dosemeters, irrespective of the type of radiation intended to be measured. Tests according to this document determine whether a single radiation pulse can be measured correctly even if the dosemeter is in the internal state relevant for measuring background or environmental radiation. The characteristics of the dosemeter for repeated pulses is expected to be better than for one single radiation pulse with the same parameters but worse than for continuous radiation, i.e., in between of the characteristics for these two extreme conditions.

The pulsed radiation source is characterized by the parameters:

  • the maximum dose rate during the radiation pulse, max pulse, Hpulse,max, occurring at the workplace,

  • the maximum dose per radiation pulse, Hpulse,max, occurring at the workplace,

  • the minimum radiation pulse duration, tpulse,min, occurring at the workplace, and

  • the range of the pulse repetition frequency, fpulse, occurring at the workplace.

Annex A gives some parameter values for typical workplaces where pulsed radiation occurs.

This document considers the pulsation of the radiation field as an additional influence quantity like particle energy and direction of radiation incidence. Therefore, the tests described are additional to all the tests in the instrument specific standards.

This document describes methods to determine the following characteristic parameters of the dosemeters:

  • the maximum measurable dose rate in the pulse, max meas, Hmeas,max,

  • the maximum measurable dose in the pulse, Hmeas,max,

  • the minimal pulse duration, tmeas,min, and

  • the range for the pulse repetition frequency, fmeas,min to fmeas,max.

NOTE These parameters may be inter-related depending on the detector used.

It is applicable to photon radiation but basically can be adapted to all types of radiation for which a suitable pulsed reference field is available. The term dose is used in this document in the sense of dose equivalent, but the requirements can also be adapted to air kerma, exposure or other quantities expressing the amount of radiation.

The parameter pulse repetition frequency, fpulse, is included in the testing procedures, but for this inclusion additional work has to be done. Especially, reference fields for radiation conditions in surrounding fields of accelerators are missing (high pulse repetition frequency, ultra-short pulses).

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