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  • BSI
    PD IEC/TS 62361-102:2018 Power systems management and associated information exchange. Interoperability in the long term - CIM. IEC 61850 harmonization
    Edition: 2018
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Description of PD IEC/TS 62361-102:2018 2018

This part of IEC 62361, which is a Technical Specification, outlines a technical approach for achieving effective information exchange between power system installations governed by IEC 61850 and business systems integrated with IEC CIM standard data exchanges, based on a selected specific set of use cases, but also with the goal of creating a framework that will extend successfully to other use cases in the future. This document includes proposals to ‘harmonize’ the two standards by adapting or extending existing information models and/or defining new models, where such changes will enable more effective communication. Both current and future directions of models will be considered. The report will take into account existing standards for semantics, services, protocols, system configuration language, and architecture.

It was intended to be coordinated with IEC 61850 and all affiliated subgroups as well as IEC 61968 and IEC 61970. This edition of the document was prepared based on Edition 2 of IEC 61850-6 (2009), IEC 61850-7-3 and IEC 61850-7-4 and has been updated to match the forthcoming Edition 2.1. Mapping to other parts of IEC 61850 is incomplete. Mapping has been considered for the CIM classes defined in IEC 61970-301. The mapping to CIM classes defined in IEC 61968-11 and other standards is incomplete.

This document suggests a technical approach by which two of the leading standards for software interoperability that serve the electric utility industry (the Common Information Model, CIM, and the IEC 61850 model) can cooperate in order to enable effective data exchanges between the domains covered by these standards. Both of these standards are maintained by the International Electrotechnical Committee (IEC).

A number of studies and reports have already been produced on the subject of harmonization as listed in the Bibliography.

The work leading to this Technical Specification has considered how exchanges required by commonly understood use cases might be mapped between the standard models in order to determine the harmonizing changes suggested for the relevant models. The report references any papers, reports or other documents that provided data for this harmonization.

The approach is to define a transformation of the data governed by IEC 61850 SCL XSD to data governed by CIM UML. The transformations in this document are defined based on the use cases presented in this document. Only SCL data relevant to these use cases is transformed.

The aim is to allow the development of tools that perform automatic transformation from an SCL instance file into a CIM based instance model that can then be exported using existing standards such as IEC 61970-552: CIMXML Model exchange format.

These transformations will result in CIM-side processes that can distribute the information as needed for configuration of specific CIM applications. It is also presumed that the result of this exchange will be to enable creation of real-time CIM-side clients for IEC 61850 system data.

The heart of the SCL to CIM transformation specification defined in this document is a mapping between the two information models. Wherever this mapping has been judged to be unnecessarily complex, changes have been recommended to the existing information models.

A major objective, however, has been to define a solution that does not change either SCL or CIM UML without a mechanism to supply backward compatibility.

The transformation specification is only for structural modelling. IEC 61970-301 states “CIM entities have no behaviour.” IEC 61850-5 states “the behaviour of the functions itself are ... outside the scope of this standard”.

This document is a Technical Specification − not a standard. Paragraphs introduced by the word Recommendation are recommendations for revisions to some of the IEC 61850 and CIM standards. It is anticipated that if these recommendations are accepted, then this report can be revised and elevated to a standard.

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