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  • BSI
    PD ISO/TS 18409:2018 Hydraulic fluid power. Hose and hose assemblies. Method of collecting a fluid sample for analyzing the cleanliness of a hose or hose assembly
    Edition: 2018
    / user per year

Description of PD ISO/TS 18409:2018 2018

This document specifies two methods for collecting a fluid sample to be used to analyse the cleanliness of hydraulic fluid power hoses or hose assemblies within a certain inside diameter and length range (this range includes the majority of hose assemblies of real fluid power applications).

The two methods described in this document are intended for collecting only solid particulate contamination; they may not be appropriate for collecting contamination in liquid or grease form.

This document is a specific application of ISO 18413:2015, specifically Annexes A and B.

The scope of this document does not include providing efficient and effective cleaning methods for hose assemblies. These methods are recommended for statistical validation of other hose cleaning methods, which are more suitable for systematic processing of large production batches.

Contamination analysis is excluded from the scope of this document.

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.