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  • IEEE
    AIEE American Standard for Rotating Electrical Machinery on Railway Locomotives and Rail Cars and Trolley, Gasoline -Electric and Oil- Electric Coaches (Superseded)
    Edition: 1943
    Unlimited Users - 1 Loc per year

Description of 11-1943 1943

Revision Standard - Superseded. In undertaking the preparation of rules for standards for rotating electrical equipment for railway cars and locomotives under the Rules of Procedure of the Ameri­can Standards Association, it has been necessary to cover a much wider field than was included in the AIEE Standards for Railway Motors which were published in 1925, approved as American Standards in 1928 and form the basis of this standard. In the first place, the scope of the rules has been changed to include all rotating electrical machinery forming a part of the power equip­ment of electrically-propelled railway cars and locomo­tives (including trolley, gasoline-electric and oil-electric coaches). In the second place, it has been found desirable to add new rules covering principally, rating, commuta­tion, and over speed tests. In the third place, the old rules must be brought up-to-date as modern methods of ventilating electrical machinery have changed the situa­tion in many respects. It is therefore felt necessary that some explanatory notes should be added to the rules in order to give the users of the rules a clearer understand­ing of the reasons for them.

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