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  • IES
    Illuminating Engineering Society - The Lighting Handbook Tenth Edition: Reference and Application
    Edition: 2011
    / user per year

Content Description

Advance your knowledge of lighting
Successful lighting professionals must be able to incorporate into their work many new technological and scientific developments. Examples: solid state lighting sources; humans’ perception of light as they age, sustainability and the integration of daylighting with electric lighting; the effects of light on human health; to name a few. Clients rely on and, indeed, expect lighting practitioners to know their specialties and to make well-informed decisions and recommendations on the client’s behalf. That is why the 10th edition of the new IES Lighting Handbook is an essential knowledge reference for anyone in lighting. The 10th edition brings together some of the best minds in the lighting community to present the current state of knowledge as it relates to lighting and lighting design. With reliable and comprehensive information in a single source, practitioners can approach projects with confidence.

Changes to the new edition:

  • New illuminance determination procedure consisting of visual age-based illuminance ranges and mesopic adaptation
  • Extensive updates on light sources, including solid state lighting
  • Holistic and complementary daylighting and electric lighting strategies
  • More extensive and specific qualitative lighting design criteria such as subjective impressions (psychological factors) and architectural spatial factors
  • Broader quantitative criteria such as illuminance uniformities, power and energy aspects, light trespass, and light pollution
  • In-depth coverage of sustainability practices: new chapters on daylighting, controls, sustainability, commissioning and energy management


  • Provides a compendium of what is known that directly relates to lighting and lighting design
  • Concise explanation of material
  • Content and format tailored to those involved in lighting decisions including practitioners, designers, architects, and engineers
  • Four color throughout; 600+ illustrations that enhance understanding
  • Conveniently-referenced tabular information is exemplified with numerous photographs and illustrations
  • Sustainable practice embedded throughout: refinement of light level criteria, definitive criteria related to brightness and user impressions, factors influencing power and energy use for lighting, and methods to minimize light trespass and light pollution

Comments from Reviewers

“The 10th edition of the IES Lighting Handbook has been thoroughly updated to reflect the current state of lighting knowledge and practice. There is increased emphasis on sustainability, the solid state lighting ‘revolution’, and daylighting and lighting control system strategies as well as the latest legislative trends and industry practices. It is THE comprehensive reference and resource book covering the broad spectrum of Illumination Engineering. This book has clearly been written with the lighting practitioner in mind but will appeal to anybody involved with the various facets of lighting, from light source development to lighting design, from the physiological aspects of light to preparation of contracts. The Handbook emphasizes applications, contains many ready-to-use formulas and tables that give solutions to common problems. It is an indispensible tool! “

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About IES

The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IES) is the recognized technical authority on illumination. For over 100 years; its objective has been to communicate information on all aspects of good lighting practice to its members, to the lighting community, and to consumers, through a variety of programs, publications, and services.

IES is a forum for the exchange of ideas and information, and a vehicle for its members' professional development and recognition. Through technical committees, with hundreds of qualified individuals from the lighting and user communities, IES correlates research, investigations, and discussions to guide lighting professionals and lay persons via consensus-based lighting recommendations.

The Society publishes nearly 100 varied technical publications, and works cooperatively with related organizations on a variety of programs and in the production of jointly published documents and standards.

Local IES Sections and many lighting corporations offer formal educational programs on lighting, utilizing material developed by IES. Sections offer programs related to specific applications based on IES standards - seminars on sports and recreational lighting, lighting industrial facilities, roadway lighting, museum lighting, to name a few. Virtually every curriculum devoted to lighting - from beginner to advanced - includes IES educational materials.

IES is almost 8,000 members strong. Its members work with lighting in a variety of capacities - lighting designers, architects, interior designers, government & utility personnel, engineers, contractors, manufacturers, distributors, researchers and educators - throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico - and around the world. They share a common interest in lighting, and a common desire to promote the use of the latest, most innovative lighting technologies, with a focus on judicious use of energy in all lighting applications