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  • Joint Commission
    Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Laboratory and Point-of-Care Testing (CAMLAB)
    Edition: 2022
    / user per year

Content Description

Continuous compliance starts with staff who know what The Joint Commission requires. The 2022 Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Laboratory and Point-of-Care Testing (CAMLAB) provides the key information your organization needs to power performance improvement and maintain continuous standards compliance. It features the official Joint Commission standards, National Patient Safety Goals®, and other accreditation requirements. The portable CAMLAB is spiral bound with color-coded tabs that allow you to find exactly what you need for standards compliance or survey readiness when you need it. Inside you’ll find descriptions of the survey and decision process, questions to prompt discussion in your organization about compliance with the standards, checklists of the elements of performance that require written documentation, and action planning worksheets to address any issues of noncompliance. It\'s lean and light, making it a perfect on-the-go reference. Keep it handy in meetings, during orientation and training, and as a practical overview of the Joint Commission’s accreditation requirements for everyone in your organization, from staff to leaders. Then, get ready to power performance improvement and excellence in your laboratory services! Please note: The CAMLAB is delivered annually. For the most up-to-date standards throughout 2022, access your E-dition® on your Joint Commission Connect® extranet site or consider purchasing the E-dition® Laboratory version. Key Topics: "Gold tab" standards requirements including the standards, National Patient Safety Goals, and Accreditation Participation Requirements effective January 1, 2022 "Blue tab" accreditation process information about Joint Commission policies and procedures and practical survey preparation information on the Early Survey Policy, documentation requirements, patient safety systems and more Several appendixes, including one on standards related to Individualized Quality Control Plans (IQCP) and a new one on duplicated standards between the laboratory and hospital accreditation programs Keys to successfully using the manual for survey preparedness Key Features: Survey readiness tools including compliance prompts, documentation checklists, and action planning worksheets in every standards chapter Icons to help navigate documentation requirements as well as risk areas "What\'s New" summary of changes made since the previous print edition Color-coded blue and gold tabs allow you to find exactly what you need when you need it Softcover, spiral-bound book Standards: All laboratory standards Setting: Organizations accredited under the Laboratory Accreditation Program, including Laboratories in hospitals, clinics, nursing care facilities, home care organizations, behavioral health care organizations, ambulatory sites and physician offices Reference laboratories Freestanding laboratories, such as assisted reproductive technology laboratories Blood transfusion and donor center laboratories Public health laboratories, including Indian Health Service laboratories Laboratories in federal health care facilities, such as the Department of Veterans Affairs Point-of-care test sites in patient care areas, which may include blood gas laboratories providing services to patients in emergency rooms, surgical suites, and cardiac catheterization laboratories Key Audience: Staff responsible for accreditation, compliance, patient safety,

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The mission of The Joint Commission is to continuously improve health care for the public, in collaboration with other stakeholders, by evaluating health care organizations and inspiring them to excel in providing safe and effective care of the highest quality and value. Its vision is that all people always experience the safest, highest quality, best-value health care across all settings.