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  • Joint Commission
    Hospital Compliance Assessment Workbook
    Edition: 2024
    / user per year

Content Description

A straightforward, hands-on resource, the 2024 Hospital Compliance Assessment Workbook engages staff and leadership in accreditation activities with questions, templates, and tools to identify areas of noncompliance and plan to address them. The workbook includes ALL hospital standards and elements of performance (EPs), including those used for deemed status purposes and primary care medical home certification in the hospital setting. Click on "Download Sample Pages" above for an inside look at the easy-to-use and -understand workbook. A color-coded compliance matrix allows you to capture manually (in the hard copy) or digitally (in the PDF site license) your compliance level with each EP and the evidence you used to assess standards compliance. Clear questions correlated directly to each EP help your hospital assess whether you are meeting standards—a "No" or "ITL" (Immediate Threat to Life") answer should prompt action from your accreditation team. Downloadable, adaptable tools and templates help you identify and prioritize needed improvements and maintain continuous survey readiness. For example, you\'ll use the Plan of Action Follow-Up worksheets to develop and prioritize next steps to bring noncompliant EPs back into compliance. The Required Documentation worksheets help you to track how your hospital meets those EPs with Required Written Documentation icons in the E-dition®/Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Hospitals (CAMH). Hospitals need resources when preparing for a Joint Commission survey to ensure they are compliant and ready for survey. The 2024 Hospital Compliance Assessment Workbook allows you to self-assess compliance with all hospital requirements and plan and implement corrective actions before surveyors arrive on site, focusing compliance efforts and simplifying where possible. A PDF site license allows you to download a copy to a central, secure location so your accreditation prep team can capture and share these learnings and data across the organization. The 2024 version includes all standards updates that occurred over the past year, including revising and consolidating requirements that are above and beyond the US Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Conditions of Participation, eliminating the term licensed independent practitioner, elevating health care equity accreditation standard from Leadership (LD) requirement to a new National Patient Safety Goal (NPSG), and deleting requirements related to COVID-19 vaccination. If you\'re looking for a self-assessment option that takes you beyond the simplicity of E-dition®/CAMH but is more budget friendly than Tracers with AMP®, the 2024 Hospital Compliance Assessment Workbook is for you. Buy a hard copy for each member of your accreditation team or a PDF site license for all to share! Key Topics Standards assessment and compliance Application of the SAFER® Matrix Tracer methodology Compliance improvement Key Features Questions to assess each element of performance in the E-dition®/CAMH as of January 1, 2024 Downloadable, adaptable tools and templates for standards assessment and compliance Writable PDFs (site license only) Standards: All hospital standards effective January 1, 2024 Setting: Organizations accredited under the Hospital Accreditation Program, including general, acute psychiatric, pediatric, medical/surgical specialty, long-term acute care, and rehabilitation hospitals Key Audience: Accreditation managers, quality improvement managers, physician and nurse leaders, chapter leaders, and department heads

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About Joint Commission

The mission of The Joint Commission is to continuously improve health care for the public, in collaboration with other stakeholders, by evaluating health care organizations and inspiring them to excel in providing safe and effective care of the highest quality and value. Its vision is that all people always experience the safest, highest quality, best-value health care across all settings.