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  • NFPA
    NFPA 1408: Standard for Training Fire Service Personnel in the Operation, Care, Use, and Maintenance of Thermal Imagers
    This title can only be subscribed to with another NFPA title (See details)
    Edition: 2015
    / user per year

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Per NFPA's requirements, when purchasing NFPA 2021 Standards and/or 2020 NFPA 70 (NEC), you must subscribe to at least one more NFPA Standard to complete your purchase. In order to fulfill this requirement, we automatically add 2019 NFPA 900 to your cart. This title may be removed during checkout if you choose to add a different NFPA standard to your cart, and pricing will be recalculated accordingly.
Provide department members with top-quality training for thermal imagers using the all-new NFPA 1408. Thermal Imagers (TIs) are used by fire departments nationwide and are increasingly relied upon for fire fighting and other uses, such as to locate lost persons. In response to the field\'s growing use of TIs, NFPA® introduces NFPA 1408: Standard for Training Fire Service Personnel in the Operation, Care, Use, and Maintenance of Thermal Imagers. This important new Standard is a companion to the 2013 NFPA 1801: Standard on Thermal Imagers for the Fire Service. NFPA 1408 presents minimum requirements for training fire service personnel to utilize fire service thermal imagers in the full range of applications. It specifies evolutions that can be adapted to local conditions and serves as a standard mechanism for the evaluation of minimum acceptable performance during training. The Standard is designed to create competency in and knowledge about thermal imaging: Operation Application Use Limitations Coverage includes TI training policy and procedures, instructor requirements, student prerequisites, and training program components for all types of applications including search, fire attack, investigations, overhaul, motor vehicle accidents, size-up, hazardous materials incidents, electrical emergencies, Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) operations, and more. New NFPA 1408 is essential for fire service instructors, company officers, and chief officers responsible for the safe, effective, and efficient use of thermal imagers on the fireground. - See more at:
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