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  • TMS
    TMS 404-23, TMS 504-23, TMS 604-23: Standards for Architectural Cast Stone, 2023 Edition
    Edition: 2023
    / user per year

Content Description

Key updates and revisions incorporated by the Committee include: Updates for coordination with other reference standards including updates to reflect changes in ASTM standards and reference to the 2022 edition of ASCE/SEI 7. General cleanup and clarification of provisions and expanded commentary. Introduced new deflection limits of l/600 for cast stone subjected to out-of-plane loads. Removed the historical drying shrinkage limit of 0.000325, replaced by a requirement that drying shrinkage be tested and reported. Minimum thickness requirement of 2.5 inches (64 mm) for all cast stone units. Permitting the use of glass fiber reinforced polymer bars meeting ASTM D7957/C7957M. Minimum qualifications for testing labs and inspection agencies are required to be defined.

About TMS

 Formed in 1977, The Masonry Society (TMS) is an educational, scientific, and technical society dedicated to the advancement of scientific, engineering, architectural, and construction knowledge of masonry. The Society is a not-for-profit, membership driven organization that gathers, correlates, and disseminates information for the improvement of the design, construction, manufacture, use, and maintenance of masonry products and structures. As part of these efforts, TMS develops standards, guides, and other resources, educates through seminars, workshops, conferences, and collaborates with the construction industry, design profession and other leaders desiring to see a better and more resilient built environment.