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Houston Amendments to the 2012 Uniform Mechanical Code - Effective Date: 02/01/2016, 2015
- Houston Amendments to
- the 2012 Uniform
- Mechanical Code
- Adopted by Ord. No. 2015-1108
- Passed 11/10/2015
- Effective 02/01/2016
- Part I — General.
- UResidential Code. The City of Houston Residential Code, based on the International Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings, as adopted by the State of Texas in Subchapter G of Chapter 214 of the Texas Local Government Code, with amendments...
- 308.2 Protection Against Flood Damage. SFor buildingsS Slocated in flood hazard areas, heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, refrigeration, miscellaneous heat-producing, and energy-utilizing equipment and appliances shall be elevated at or above the...
- SException: Equipment and appliances are permitted to be located below elevation required by the building code for utilities and attendant equipment or the elevation of the lowest floor, whichever is higher, provided that they are designed and instal...
- UException: The additional watertight pan may be of corrosion resistant material other than metal, when approved by the Authority Having Jurisdiction.
- PUh UPUProvide minimum 80% outdoor makeup air to A/C System through fixed openings.
- PUI UPUWhere the hood is eliminated for enclosed single batch low temperature chemical dishwashers , the ventilation shall be designed by a licensed design professional to accommodate the latent and sensible heat load emitted from such appliances
- 504.2 Domestic Range Vents. Ducts used for domestic kitchen range ventilation shall be of metal and shall have smooth interior surfaces. Ducts for domestic range hoods shall serve cooking appliances.
- 504.3.1.2 Length Limitation. Unless otherwise permitted or required by the dryer manufacturer’s instructions and approved by the Authority Having Jurisdiction, domestic dryer moisture exhaust ducts shall not exceed a total combined horizontal and vert...
- 508.1 Where Required. UType 1U hSHSoods shall be installed at or above commercial-type deep-fat fryers, broilers, fry grills, steam-jacketed kettles, hot-top ranges, ovens, barbecues, Usolid-fuel burning appliances, USrotisseries, dishwashing machines...
- 508.4.1.1 Capacity of Hoods. Canopy-type commercial cooking hoods shall exhaust through the hood with a quantity of air not less than determined by the application of the following formulas:
- 510.1.7 Ducts, Non-Grease. Ducts and plenums serving Type II hoods shall be constructed of rigid metallic materials in accordance with Chapter 6. Duct bracing and supports shall comply with Chapter 6. Ducts Ssubject to positive pressureS shall be adeq...
- 602.1 General. Supply air, return air, and outside air for heating, cooling, or evaporative cooling systems shall be conducted through duct systems constructed of metalS in accordance with SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards – Metal and FlexibleSU...
- Corridors shall not be used to convey air to or from rooms where the corridor is required to be of fire-resistive construction in accordance with the building code.
- 602.2 Combustibles SWSwithin Ducts or Plenums. Materials exposed within ducts or plenums shall be noncombustible or shall have a flame spread index not to exceed 25 and a smoke developed index not to exceed 50, where tested as a composite product in a...
- 605.5 Access and Identification. Dampers shall be provided with an approved means of access large enough to permit inspection and maintenance of the damper and its operating parts. The access shall not impair fire-resistive construction. Access shall ...
- U902.8 Prohibited installation. Air-handling units shall not be located in the same room with gas utilization equipment.
- U1001.2 Definitions.
- U1004.6 Potable Water Boilers. Permits and inspections pertaining to boilers used exclusively for the production of potable hot water shall be administered by the Plumbing Inspection Section staff of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Reference Sectio...
- U1004.7 Permit Required. Except for work exempted by Section 111.2 of this code, a permit shall be obtained from the Authority Having Jurisdiction prior to installation, reinstallation, alteration, repair or replacement of boilers and pressure vessels...
- U1004.8 Moving Boilers. Any owner, user, or person desiring to remove, transfer, or relocate any boiler in the jurisdiction shall first obtain a new permit to install and have that same boiler inspected or tested by the Authority Having Jurisdiction.
- U1004.9 Reinstallation. Any installed boiler in the jurisdiction may be reinstalled, provided an application is filed with the Authority Having Jurisdiction and a permit is granted. A permit to install shall be issued provided that:
- U(1) The boiler is inspected internally;
- U(2) A hydrostatic pressure test is applied if deemed necessary by the Authority Having Jurisdiction; and
- U(3) The Authority Having Jurisdiction determines that the boiler meets inspection and test requirements.
- U1004.10 Boiler Nameplate. A boiler nameplate shall be attached to each boiler. Lost or destroyed nameplates shall be replaced in accordance with The National Board Inspection Code.
- U1004.11 Automatic Controls. No low-pressure gas-fired boiler or furnace capable of consuming 200,000 Btu or more per hour shall be installed, and no boiler designed for other fuels having that Btu capacity shall be converted to the use of gas fuel un...
- 1007.0 UGas UShutoff Valves.
- 1007.1 General. An approved manual shutoff valveU with handleU shall be installedU within 3 feet (914 mm) of the boiler gas train,U upstream of all control devices on the main burner of a gas-fired boiler. The takeoff point for the gas supply to the p...
- U1009.2 Low-Water Fuel Cutoff and Feed Water Pump Control Combined in a Single Device. Where such a device is used, an additional separate low-water fuel cutoff with manual reset shall be installed. The additional control shall be wired in series elec...
- U1009.3 Low-Water Fuel Cutoff Housed in Either the Water Column or Separate Chamber. The installation shall be provided with a blow down pipe and valve not less than ¾ inch pipe size. The arrangement shall be such that when the water column is blown d...
- U1009.4 Newly Installed Automatically Fired Hot Water Heating Boilers. Such boilers, when installed in a forced circulation system, shall be equipped in the manner described in this section and Sections 1009.1 and 1009.2. A coil-type boiler or a water...
- U1009.5 Water Feed Device. Where a water feed device is used, it shall be constructed to prevent feed water from entering the boiler through the water column or separate chamber of the low-water fuel cutoff.
- U1020.2 Manufacturer’s Instructions. The installation of each boiler covered by this chapter shall conform to the conditions of approval as specified in the manufacturer’s installation instructions pertaining to safety and to the requirements of this ...
- 1021.1 General An installation for which a permit is required shall not be put into service until it has been inspected and approved by the Authority Having Jurisdiction.
- U1021.2 Inspection Codes and Standards. All inspections or tests shall be made in compliance with the prescribed or recommendatory rules or instructions of this code, the ASME Code and the National Board Inspection Code as applicable. The installation...
- U1021.3 Hydrostatic tests. A hydrostatic test is required for each secondhand boiler or detached boiler being placed back into service. Such boilers shall be tested by hydraulic pressure, in accordance with the National Board Inspection Code, at 50 pe...
- U1021.3.1 In preparing a boiler for a hydrostatic test, the boiler shall be filled with water to the stop valve and all air vented off. If the boiler to be tested is connected with other boilers that are under pressure, such connections shall be blank...
- U1021.3.2 During a hydrostatic test of a boiler, the safety valve or valves shall be removed or each valve disc shall be held to its seat by means of a testing clamp and not by screwing down the compression screw under the spring.
- U1021.3.3 The temperature of the water used to apply a hydrostatic test shall be bet1een 70(F and 120(F.
- U1021.3.4 When a hydrostatic test is to be applied, the pressure shall be as follows:
- U1021.3.4.1 For all cases involving the question of tightness, the pressure shall be equal to the set pressure of the safety valve or valves having the lowest setting.
- U1021.3.4.2 For all cases involving the question of safety, the pressure shall be equal to one and one-half times the maximum allowable working pressure.
- U1021.3.4.3 The pressure applied for a hydrostatic test shall not exceed one and one-half times the maximum allowable working pressure. In no case shall the test pressure be exceeded by more than 2 percent.
- 1022.0 UTemporary UOperating Permit.
- 1023.0 SMaintenance Inspection SURepairsU.
- 1023.2 SPower and Miniature Boilers. Power boilers and miniature boilers shall be inspected externally annually. Where construction and operating conditions permit, they shall be subject to inspection internally annually.SU Major Repair. The term “maj...
- 1023.3 SSteam and Water-Heating Boilers. Steam-heating boilers and hot-water heating boilers shall be inspected externally annually. Where construction and operating conditions permit, they shall also be subject to inspection internally annually.SU Re...
- 1023.4 SAutomatic Steam-Heating Boilers. Automatic steam-heating boilers shall be inspected externally biennially. Where construction and operating conditions permit, they shall be subject to inspection internally biennially.SU Re-ending and Piecing T...
- 1023.5S Unfired Pressure Vessels. Unfired pressure vessels shall be inspected externally biennially. Where subject to corrosion and construction permits, they shall be subject to inspection internally biennially.
- U1023.6 Repair/Alteration Forms. Completed State of Texas R-1 welder forms for a boiler repair and/or alteration shall be submitted to the inspector before final approval.
- U1023.7 Leaks or Cracks. If there is evidence of a leak or crack, or any defect, the covering of the boiler shall be removed to satisfy the inspector as to the safety of the boiler. If the covering cannot be removed at that time, the inspector may ord...
- U1025.0 Electrical Boilers
- U1025.1 Installation. Installation shall comply with the provisions of this chapter. All electrical wiring, devices, and components shall be in compliance with the electrical code and the State of Texas Boiler Law.
- U1025.2 Safety Relief Capacity. The minimum safety or safety relief valve relieving capacity for electric boilers shall be 3½ pounds of steam per hour per kilowatt input.
- U1026.0 New and Existing Boiler Installations.
- U1026.1 New installations. New boiler installations, including reinstalled boilers, shall be in accordance with the requirements of the latest revision of the applicable section of the ASME Code and this code. Secondhand boilers shall meet all the req...
- U1026.2 Existing installations. The maximum allowable working pressure for standard boilers shall be determined in accordance with the applicable provisions of the edition of the ASME Code under which they were constructed and stamped. In no case shal...
- U1026.3 Makeup water connection to steam boilers. Approved backflow preventers shall be installed in accordance with the plumbing code.
- U1026.4 Boiler Discharge to Plumbing Systems. No steam pipe shall connect to any part of a drainage or plumbing system, nor shall any water above 140(F (60(C) be discharged into any part of a drainage system. Such pipes shall be indirectly connected b...
- {Editorial Note: No Change to the remainder of Table 1011.1 and footnotes not listed.}
- 1101.1 Applicability. Part I of this chapter covers refrigeration systems. Refrigeration systems, equipment, and devicesU for new buildingsUS, including the replacement of parts, alterations, and substitution of a different refrigerant,S shall conform...
- 1106.8 Prohibited Locations. Refrigeration systems or portions thereof shall not be located within a required exit enclosure. Refrigeration compressors exceeding 5 horsepowers (3.7 kW) ratingU, and replacements of existing systems that contain other t...
- UThe installation of air handling and refrigeration units within the same room is prohibited.
- 1106.10 Condensate. Condensate from air-cooling coils shall be collected and drained to an approved location. Drain pans and coils shall be arranged to allow thorough drainage and access for cleaning. Where temperatures drop below freezing, heat traci...
- U1110.1.1 For minimum pipe insulation see Table 1110.1.1.
- UTABLE 1110.1.1
- UMinimum Pipe InsulationUPa
- (1)S Name of contractor installing the equipment.
- (S3S2) Pounds of refrigerant in system.
- U1127.0 Requirements for Modifications to Existing Buildings.
- U1128.0 Boilers in Existing Machinery Rooms
- 1301.0 SScope of Gas Piping.S UGeneral.U UFor provisions pertaining to fuel gas piping, refer to Chapter 12 of the plumbing code.
- {Editorial Note: Delete the Remainder of this Chapter in its entirety.}
- {Editorial Note: Delete and reserve this Chapter in its entirety.}
- {Editorial Note: Delete and reserve this Chapter in its entirety.}
- {Editorial Note: Insert the following table.}
- {Editorial Note: Remainder of Appendix D to remain as set forth in 2012 UMC.} [Go to Page]