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ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice 144: Hazard-Resilient Infrastructure, 2021
- Book_4952_C000 [Go to Page]
- Half Title
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Dedication
- Contents
- Foreword
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Acronyms
- Executive Summary
- Disclaimer
- Book_4952_C001 [Go to Page]
- Chapter 1: Introduction
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- 1.1 Needs and Significance
- 1.2 Objective and Scope
- 1.3 Infrastructure Systems and Hazards
- 1.4 Structure of the MOP
- 1.5 Topics Warranting Additional Analysis
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- 1.5.1 Dependencies and Interdependencies
- 1.5.2 Nonstationary Hazards and Adaptive Design Concepts
- 1.5.3 Infrastructure Resilience and Sustainability
- 1.6 Uses and Users
- 1.7 Data and Knowledge Sources
- References
- Book_4952_C002 [Go to Page]
- CHAPTER 2: A Methodology for Assessing Hazard-Resilience Infrastructure
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- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Infrastructure and Lifeline Systems
- 2.3 Overall Methodology
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- 2.3.1 Context Definition
- 2.3.2 Hazard Identification and Characterization
- 2.3.3 Failure Probability Estimation and Fragility Curves
- 2.3.4 Resilience Assessment
- 2.3.5 Exposure and Loss Analysis
- 2.3.6 Economic Valuation and Loss Accumulation
- 2.3.7 Risk Quantification as Loss Exceedance Rates or Probabilities
- 2.3.8 Extremes and Uncertainty Analysis
- 2.3.9 Resilience Engineering and Design
- 2.3.10 Life-Cycle Analysis
- 2.3.11 Risk-Informed Decision Making for Resilience Engineering
- 2.3.12 Community Socioeconomics
- 2.4 Performance Targets of Infrastructure Systems
- 2.5 Information and Data Sources
- 2.6 �Examples and Applications: Transportation Infrastructure
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- 2.6.1 Introduction
- 2.6.2 Background and Methodology
- 2.6.3 System Assessment
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- Infrastructure Resilience Dimensions. The context, the first step of the methodology provided in Figure 2-1, is a multidimensional description of the system being considered. Each dimension and the appropriate description for this case stu
- Transportation System Functionality. The transportation system functionality, as the next step of the methodology, specifies the performance measures elected to represent system functionality and how these measures vary over time. In this
- System Service Provision and Operability. The next (third) step of the methodology represents service provision and operability. The transportation system provides transportation services to the community. These services are often character
- Continuity of Service Temporarily Lost. The fourth step of the methodology focuses on the resources available when some infrastructure components are inoperable. In this case, the transportation services provided by the inoperable links of
- Social and Economic Activity. This step of the methodology describes the social and economic activities of a community directly supported by the infrastructure system. The economic impacts can be monetized in terms of both direct and indire
- Community. This step of the methodology describes community resilience. Given the context (first step), it is difficult to distinguish the community resilience in the context of the I-95 disruptions from the local disruptions to the transpo
- 2.6.4 Governance and Management
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- Community Performance Targets. This seventh step is aimed at identifying community performance targets. In the case of roadways, this might be the number of days that a segment might be disrupted, given the functional classification. The Nor
- Infrastructure System Performance Targets. The eighth step is intended to provide the transportation system performance targets that support the community performance targets in Step 7. The postevent analysis of the closure of I-95 indicate
- Feedback. Comparing the infrastructure system performance targets (Step 8) to the performance over time (Step 2), the system service provision and operability (Step 3) and the continuity of service (Step 4) constitute an important feedback
- Economics and Resilience. Postevent planning (Robeson County 2017) is aimed at improving resilience. The NCRPD program focuses on not only just rebuilding but also revitalization. The Robeson County report lists “Upgrade Vulnerable Roads
- Regional, Social, and Economic Losses. The regional, social, and economic losses include both direct and indirect gains and losses. While the importance of regional, social, and economic loss is acknowledged, the proposed lifecycle cost ana
- 2.6.5 Observations and Conclusion
- References
- Book_4952_C003
- Book_4952_C004 [Go to Page]
- CHAPTER 4: Resilience Economics and Risk Management
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- 4.1 Planning Horizon and Discount Rates
- 4.2 Standard Approaches for Evaluating Investments
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- 4.2.1 Benefit–Cost Analysis Using Net Present Value
- 4.2.2 Life-Cycle Cost Analysis
- 4.2.3 Savings-to-Investment Ratio
- 4.2.4 Internal Rate of Return
- 4.2.5 Decision Trees and Real Options
- 4.2.6 Sensitivity Analysis with Monte Carlo Techniques
- 4.3 Cost Considerations
- 4.4 Expected Loss Considerations
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- 4.4.1 Empirical Methods
- 4.4.2 Input–Output and Computable General Equilibrium Methods
- 4.5 Optimization
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- 4.5.1 Portfolio Approach for Decision Making
- 4.5.2 Example: Economic Burden Model of Hazards
- References
- Book_4952_C005 [Go to Page]
- CHAPTER 5: Designing for Resilience
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- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 Design Bases and Principles
- 5.3 Design Steps
- 5.4 Case Studies
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- 5.4.1 Existing Building Near the US Gulf Coast—Flood Hazard
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- Identify the Need for Resilience-Based Design. A production facility located near the US Gulf Coast houses critical equipment necessary for processing operations and national-level business continuity. The building owner wants to protect cri
- Define Target Performance Goals. The specific goal is to mitigate flood-induced damage to relevant equipment and resume operations shortly after a flood event without the need to repair or replace critical equipment. Flood-mitigation concep
- Identify Relevant Hazards, Quantify the Most Important Sources of Uncertainty, and Quantify Demands and Capacities. Uncertainties are related to hazards, vulnerabilities, building access during and after a flood, and availability of personn
- Develop Feasible Design Options. Given the number of potential entry points for floodwater identified as part of the vulnerability assessment, two different design approaches are considered. The first approach entails creating a flood prote
- Determine Resilience Improvement Outcomes. The design strategies identified in the previous section would result in resilience improvements primarily associated with increased robustness, enhanced failure profile, reduced adverse consequen
- Balance Lost Performance, Services, and Other Capabilities. Given the information presented previously, although both local and global measure strategies can be effective in mitigating flood-induced damage to critical equipment, the applica
- Quantify Costs. In this case study, cost analysis is based on flood protection concepts for each design option conditioned on a flood intensity greater than the 500 year flood (extreme-event condition). A higher contingency is allocated to
- Enhance Resilience by Implementing Risk-Informed Decision Making. In this case, the owner is provided with information useful to select a design alternative to limit the loss of service of critical equipment to a minimum after an extreme fl
- 5.4.2 Mid-Rise Building, Boston—Flood Hazard
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- Identify the Need for Resilience-Based Design and Define Target Performance Goals. The building was constructed in the late 1800s and currently house residences and art studios. Current flood maps demonstrate that the building is vulnerable
- Identify Relevant Hazards, Quantify the Most Important Sources of Uncertainty, and Quantify Demands and Capacities. Most of the uncertainties associated with this study are present in the quantification of the flood hazard at the site, incl
- Develop Feasible Design Options. Proposed mechanical upgrades associated with relocating the existing equipment do not represent a substantial improvement to the building. Therefore, the governing building codes do not require that the buil
- Determine Resilience Improvement Outcomes (Figure 5-1). The design options described in the previous section would result in resilience improvements identified as follows.
- Balance Lost Performance, Services, and Other Capabilities. Dry floodproofing will require substantial structural modifications to the existing basement floor system to provide resistance to the hydrostatic forces (including buoyancy of the
- Quantify Costs. Dry floodproofing the structure could be achieved via considering the scenarios in the following. In all scenarios, the concrete components must be designed and constructed to be substantially impermeable:
- Enhance Resilience by Implementing Risk-Informed Decision Making. The scope of any proposed equipment replacement after the basement is inundated following a flood event does not constitute a substantial improvement to the building, and the
- 5.4.3 High-Rise Building, San Francisco—Seismic Hazard
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- Identify the Need for Resilience-Based Design. A 56-story mixed-used (office and residential) high rise (Figure 5-8), which exceeds the height limitations of the building code, is located in San Francisco and designed incorporating perform
- Define Target Performance Goals. In this case study, resilience-based performance levels and objectives are associated with median repair costs that are less than 5% of the total building value, a median reoccupancy time of one day (control
- Identify Relevant Hazards and Quantify the Most Important Sources of Uncertainty/Quantify Demands and Capacities. As stated previously, the hazard of interest is seismic hazard. Major sources of uncertainty are related to the seismic hazard
- Develop Feasible Design Options. Seismic design features that can be incorporated in the design process for structural elements to achieve the target performance goals include the addition of viscous dampers into the external megabrace syst
- Evaluate Resilience Improvement Outcomes (Figure 5-1). The resilience improvement outcomes associated with the design strategies described in the previous section for structural and nonstructural components relate to increased robustness,
- Balance Lost Performance, Services, and Other Capabilities. Given the performance goals and design strategies presented previously, it is evident that from a functional recovery point of view, resilience-based design options provide clear a
- Quantify Costs. Experience and research (Almufti et al. 2016) have shown that the cost premium associated with enhancing the performance of a tall building designed to meet the minimum code objectives to a resilience-based seismic design
- Enhance Resilience by Implementing Risk-Informed Decision Making. In addition to the information presented in the previous section, for this building, enhancing and managing resilience would benefit from the implementation of contingency pl
- 5.5 Summary
- References
- Book_4952_C006 [Go to Page]
- CHAPTER 6: Community Socioeconomics
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- 6.1 Motivating Factors and Benefits
- 6.2 Socioeconomic Needs and Metrics
- 6.3 Case Studies
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- 6.3.1 �Simplified Hypothetical Case Study: Urban Train Station in Anywhere, United States
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- Economic 1: Include Local Business Retention as a Required Outcome. Locating a large urban train station typically requires relocating local businesses (or other) that can be done through a number of mechanisms. In Anywhere, US, a plan is de
- Economic 2: Provide Affordable Workspaces for Existing and Local Businesses. This development provides business hub spaces that rent space to those in transit, as well as local businesses at a reduced rate. Affordable rental space supports
- Social 1: Provide Public Transport Options to Connect Communities and Increase Access to Resources. This new rail station connects local communities and provides easier access to jobs and other services. In addition, it incorporates communi
- Social 2: Design for People Not Cars. Neighborhoods are too often designed for automobiles rather than people. This rail station focuses on people by providing safe access by foot and bicycle. The block around the station has been pedestria
- Social 3: Align Development with Community Values. Prior to starting the project, the developers held workshops with the local community to understand what they cared about (valued) as a community and what resources they would like to see i
- Social 4: Gather Community Feedback on the Development. To achieve Social 3, community engagement and feedback were essential. Empowering local residents to influence and take ownership of their local project made the project more successfu
- 6.3.2 Real Case Study: New York’s Response to Hurricane Sandy
- 6.3.3 �Real Case Study: City of Trees, City Re-Leaf Project, Manchester, United Kingdom
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- Metrics. The findings from the total value study are shown in Table 6-2. Over a 50 year period, the return on investment to local business, people, and the environment in the region will be £229 for every £1 spent on City Re-Leaf (2019 UK
- Evidence. The study findings were based on the following evidence:
- 6.3.4 �Real Case Study: Comprehensive Urban Resilience Masterplan for the City of Beirut, Lebanon
- References
- Book_4952_C007 [Go to Page]
- CHAPTER 7: Emerging Resilience-Enabling Technologies
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- 7.1 Introduction
- 7.2 Advanced and Smart Materials
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- 7.2.1 Multifunctional Fiber and Polymer Composites
- 7.2.2 Textile-Reinforced Composites
- 7.2.3 Superelastic Materials
- 7.2.4 Self-Healing Materials
- 7.2.5 Bioinspired Materials
- 7.3 Advanced Construction Technology
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- 7.3.1 Building Information Modeling
- 7.3.2 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- 7.3.3 Three-Dimensional Printing
- 7.4 Advanced Sensing Technology
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- 7.4.1 Fiber-Optic Sensors
- 7.4.2 Digital Image Sensing
- 7.4.3 LiDAR
- 7.4.4 Wireless Sensor Network
- 7.4.5 Satellite Images
- 7.4.6 Augmented Reality
- 7.4.7 Unmanned Aerial Systems
- 7.5 Field Implementation of Emerging Technologies
- References
- Book_4952_C008 [Go to Page]
- Appendix: Terminology
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- References
- Book_4952_IDX
- Untitled [Go to Page]